Wenn die Sirenen heulen (it`s on us)

19.01.24 - 28.01.24

Galerie Oel-Früh
Marckmannstraße 32
20539 Hamburg

Martin Assig I Richard Green I Hannah Hallermann I Verena Issel 
Jeewi Lee I Anne Mundo I Nik Nowak I Raul Walch 


Die Ausstellung „Wenn die Sirenen heulen (it`s on us)“ von acht Berliner Künstler:innen in Hamburg zeigt Positionen, die sich mit Klimazerstörung und Krieg künstlerisch auseinandersetzen. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Frage nach der Veränderung der physischen und psychischen Existenz durch ständige Bedrohung.

Seit dem Ausbruch der Pandemie 2020 stehen viele Dinge auf dem Prüfstand und es zeigt sich, wer ein solidarisches Miteinander praktiziert und wer die Krise für eigene Interessen nutzt. Der Angriffskrieg der russischen
Armee auf die Ukraine folgte und brachte den Krieg nach Europa zurück. Angriffe der Hamas treffen Israel und hunderte Zivilisten sterben, als Reaktion werden Ziele im Gaza beschossen, der Nahe Osten wird immer weiter destabilisiert.

Rechtsradikale Parteien werden lauter, dazu stürmen Tornados, Landschaften werden überflutet, hunderttausende Geflüchtete suchen Schutz.

Kunst kann mithelfen, eine kommunikative Lücke bei den drängenden Fragen unserer Zeit zu schließen.

Of Bees & Bunkers

Pavillon am Milchhof
Schwedter Str.232, 10435 Berlin

Richard Green (1993, Berlin) touches on universal themes in his work that go far beyond the experience of an individual life. They elaborate essences: Becoming and passing, transformation and process, allure and imprisonment, pleasure and violence. Supposedly organic as well as man-made and shaped material merge into sculptures informed by wartime architecture is countered by their transience. Fragility and decay are pushed to the forefront, nothing is for eternity, not even human existence. Protection and security are illusions.

The works shown at Milchhof Pavillon were created in Wünsdorf, which is situated south of Berlin and is marked by the principles of violence and power. At the beginning of the 20th century, a military base was established here, the history of which and its buildings can be seen and felt to the present day. When the Nazis seized power, Wünsdorf was transformed into a training centre and the communication headquarters of the Wehrmacht. 19 Winkel type air raid bunkers date from this period. Until 1994, Wünsdorf was a base for Soviet troops,  seven of the bunkers from the Nazi era remain intact.

In a dialogue with the form and history of the remainders of one of these Spitzbunker, Richard Green focuses on its negated yet inevitable transience.

The sugar sculpture in the centre of the exhibition appears as a harmless source of energy that simultaneously suggests power and its dissolution.

The illusions of blasted bunker parts formed from beeswax surrender to their deformation.

Like splashes of blood, shards of limestone from the bunker lie on a dissecting table.

Ants and bees are attracted to the materiality of the sugar Spitzbunker in the forest. What appears to be simple food becomes a trap at the same time. The insects are accomplices in the cycle of life, they seal the fate of decomposition.

a(r)rival exhibition

Lobe Block
Böttgerstraße 16
13357 Berlin

DITTRICH & SCHLECHTRIEM are pleased to present an event held in conjunction with GALLERY WEEKEND BERLIN: a group exhibition located off-site at Lobe Block, Berlin, and curated by Daniel Hölzl. Titled a(r)rival, it includes works by Hannah Blumas, Julian Charrière, Marta Dyachenko, Abie Franklin, Richard Green, Andreas Greiner, Daniel Hölzl, Klaus Jörres, Anton Roland Laub, Simon Mullan, Florian Neufeldt, Monty Richthofen, Marie von Heyl, and Jonas Wendelin.

a(r)rival is on view for two days, on Wednesday, April 26, 2–9 PM, with an opening reception and drinks from 6 to 9 PM, and on Thursday, April 27, 10 AM–6 PM. The exhibition runs parallel to our main gallery exhibition, Andrej Dúbravský’s Anxiety of Subimago at Linienstraße 23.

The sculptures, paintings, site-specific and text- based works of the show probe individual human sensations associated with the idea of an arrival, physically, emotionally, or intellectually, deliberately conceived in theses broad terms. The exhibition’s title combines this reference with the concept of a rivalry.

SLEEK Magazine Artist Interview

“SLEEK meets Berlin-based artist Richard Green in his studio, an abandoned military base, to speak about his process, how sculpture becomes a vessel for communication and his recent collaboration …”

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Sleek interview

Sleek interview

Sleek Magazine interview

SLEEK meets Berlin-based artist Richard Green in his studio, an abandoned military base, to speak about his process and how sculpture becomes a vessel for communication

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